Air supply

Air supply

9 blade blower

The air supply for my original Fish House was a 125w 9 vein blower. This was changed for a more economical diaphragm pump.

Diaphragm pump

After I refurbished the Fish House in 2004 I changed the air supply from the 9 vein blower to a Hi-Blow twin diaphragm pump. This produces slightly more pressure and volume and at 45w it is fare more economical to run.

Air supply

The air is supplied through a 32 mm diameter ring main, with drop downs which are connected with 20mm pipe running across the top of the lower two levels of tanks. The system prevents any blanked off ends and ensure even pressure throughout the system. Each tank is supplied with air using short lengths of standard 5mm silicone airline. Metal adjuster valves control the air flow to each tanks filter.

Air control valves

Air is supplied to each tank through 5 mm diameter airline, the flow is controlled with Jehmco metal valves.

Micro air tube

The egg hatching containers are supplied with air through micro air tube, this has an internal diameter of about 2.5 mm and comes supplied with special connectors to link to the standard 5 mm tube or fittings.

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