Selecting fish

Here we will look at the variety of species available and the sizes of aquaria and the habitats that suite them best.

Corydoradinae Catfishes range in size from a little as 20.0 mm SL. (Standard 'body' Length) for a Gastrodermus pygmaeus male, to a very impressive, reported 150.0 mm SL. Brochis britskii. 

Gastrodermus pygmaeus

Scleromystax barbatus

h to keep. For a group of 8 or 10 Gastrodermus pygmaeus an aquariun of 45cm x 20cm x 20 (18" x 10| x 10") would be perfectly fine, but for a group of 6 Scleromystax barbatus a aquarium of 100 cm x 30 x 38 (39" x 12'  x 15') would be better suited.

Withe around 500 species descsribed or coded there should be something out there to suit everyones taste in colour as well as habit.

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