The genus Corydoras is a freshwater catfish native to South America and belongs in lineage 1. Alexandrou et al., 2011 and is a genus within the family Callichthyidae. These fish are characterized by their head and snout shape and the structure of the serrations of the pectoral and dorsal spines.
Commonly referred to as 'saddle snouted' species.
Aspidoras belongs in lineage 2 Alexandrou et all., 2011 and is closely related to Scleromystax lineage 3. It is small group of very active fish rarely reaching more than 55 mm SL. There are currently 18 described species.
Scleromystax is a genus belonging to lineage 3 Alexandrou et all., 2011 and is closely related to Aspidoras.
They are a group of fish that are limited to the costal reagions of eastern Brazil.
Gastrodermus is a lesser-known genus commonly known as the 'Elegans' group and belongs to lineage 5, Alexandrou et al., 2011. They are a group of smallish species, the largest reaching around 55.0 mm SL. They are a colourful group with females invariably as colourful as males.
In the research paper by Dias et al., 2024 decided that there was not enough evidence to warrant lineage 4 species having their original genus name (Microcorydoras Myers, 1953) resurrected and decided until such times as more evidence is available to incorporate them into lineage 5 Gastrodermus.
Osteogaster commonly known as the 'Aeneus' group belong to lineage 5 Alexandrou et al., 2011 and the genus resurrected by Dias et al., 2024.
In the latest research paper by Dias et al., 2024 and line with Alexandrou et al., 2011, the genus Brochis and its 4 sub clades have been resurrected. The true Brochis Cope, 1871 as we know and recognise in the hobby consists of the three large metallic green species that form sub clade 1 and are commonly know as 'Emerald Corys'.
Brochis Sub Clade 2 comprises of just 5 species, three described and 2 C-number coded species. All are extremely rare in nature and and because of habitat destruction are in danger of becoming extinct.
Brochis Sub Clade 3 includes species with deep rounded body shapes similar to those in sub clade 1.
Brochis Sub Clade 4 is by far the largest of the sub clades with 32 species and twice as many coded species. These are what are comonly known as straight snouted species and some of the largest species to be found within Corydoradinae.
In the recent research paper by Dias et al., 2024 the genus Hoplisoma was resurrected and belongs to lineage 9 Alexandrou et al., 2011. Hoplisoma is by far the largest genus with 87 described species and over a hundred undescribed coded species.